Recommended Specifications

  • PC
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
Supported OSs Windows Windows Mac Mac
System RequirementsRec. SpecsMin. SpecsRec. SpecsMin. Specs
Rec. Specs
OS Version Windows 10 64bit 10.15 or higher
CPU Intel Core i3 Intel Core i3
Memory 4GB 4GB
Graphic Card GeForce 8600 GT, Radeon HD2400 or higher Radeon Pro 555
Hard Drive Capacity 5GB or more of free disk space 5GB
DirectX DX10 or higher -

Play MapleStory Worlds on your mobile and tablet devices, too!

  • Recommended and minimum requirements may vary by world.
  • Available on Windows PC and mobile devices.
  • The MapleStory Worlds PC app supports both creating and playing worlds.
  • If you have an issue with downloading, installing, or running the app, please contact Player Support. Go to Player Support

Driver Downloads

  • Please install the latest version of DirectX and graphic drivers for optimal play.
  • You need to reboot your computer after installing the latest drivers.